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Essential Collection

The window will perfectly protect against noise and maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. Surface profiles resist UV rays, extreme temperatures and external factors. Easy to open, easy to maintain.

uPVC window Essential Collection

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How much does it cost for double glazed windows?


profil uPVC window

    • Frame thickness: 2.4″
    • Double glazed windows up to 1.25″ thick
    • Internal spaces: 4
    • 2 sealing contours
    • Rigid reinforcement makes the window durable.
    • The system completely eliminates the risk of condensation due to a deeper positioning of the glass in the profile.
    • More than 100 colors

More than 100 colors frames of upvc windows

How much does it cost for double glazed windows?

Let’s focus on a typical size: 3’ wide by 6’ tall.

While there are many options and an average customer will receive multitude of confusing quotes and “must-act-now!!!” discounts, real price points for typical window are fairly predictable and well indicate the quality of the final product. Keep in mind, in window industry, just as in life, “if it sounds too good to be true, it is”, and “poor man pays twice”. Any markup and discounts aside, the price consists of two main components: the window itself, and the labor to install/replace it.

Let’s start with the labor: The labor to install/replace the window can range from “free”, to over $300/window. A company will often provide “free” installation when only replacing the sashes on a double-hung window (so called “insert replacements”). A more comprehensive installation consists of removing the old window, installing the entire new window (including the frame), adding new insulation and interior and exterior trim. Which type of installation is right for you? Generally, insert replacements are short-term band aids applied to a broken arm because they do not address most of the long-term issues. If the customer is looking to replace a window, most likely it is because:

  1. The glass is fogged up (glazing failed),
  2. Window is difficult to operate,
  3. The glazing does not provide Low E properties,
  4. There are drafts or poor insulation,
  5. Glass is broken

Unfortunately, insert replacement only directly addresses 5) above. If the glass is fogged up, it usually means that the window is either old (> 20 years) or of very low initial quality (builder’s grade window), or both. That means that there is likely wood rot, poor sealing around the window and poor insulation around the frame. Obviously replacing the sash will not address these issues.

In addition, if there is any wood rot present around the window, there is a likelihood that there may be water penetration happening around the frame of the window, compromising the house frame. Obviously this problem will not be noticed nor fixed during insert replacement.

So, the long term success and satisfaction from “insert” replacements are unlikely and will greatly depend on the present state of the windows and on how well they were initially installed.

The price for a quality window

The price for a quality window will start around $400-$500 and will go up depending on materials, special options, window type (casement, double-hung, etc). Lower-end windows and inserts might be priced around $150, depending on materials and glazing options.

So, if customer is considering insert replacements, the price should be around $200/window, while a full frame replacement with interior/exterior finishing should start around $800/window.

My Smarter Window specializes in full frame replacements only, since our windows are so substantial, they should not be installed as inserts. Also, our customers expect quality results that cannot be provided by leaving the old window frame and insulation in place. Our superior products and workmanship ensure that My Smarter Window will last and satisfy the customer for the life of the house.


    To set up a window service consultation, please contact us at your convenience. We look forward to meeting you soon

    My Smarter Window

    345 Fairbrook Circle, Marietta, GA 30067, US

    Phone: (678) 826-2714

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